WordPress Gutenberg

Latest update of mowomo blocks

It is not the first time that we talk about this plugin, we already did it to teach you how to use it easily images with parallax effect on your blog. Now it's time to present three new blocks that certainly will not go unnoticed.

Finally, we also have to say that we have improved all the blocks so that the alignment options Gutenberg with them.

advanced headers

This block will allow you to create the typical product page headers with two important new settings:

  • Separation bar: We can configure a separation bar, or underline, that separates the title of our header from a possible subtitle that we want to use.
  • Subtitle: Small phrase that we will use to give an explanation of our header.

Likewise, we can Activate and deactivate both the separator bar and the subtitle. We can also change their colors and activate a animation transition for the block.

block demo Headboard:

header title

header description

Gist Codes

Codes Gists They are embedded from the page of GitHub that allow us to save code in the cloud and be able to show it wherever we want with just a url.

The good thing is that we already have a block to be able to insert this url in our blog and be able to see our code box wherever we want, a marvel for developers.

block demo gists:

alert containers

Something that never hurts is to give more weight to a type of information in our entries. It can be done in many ways, but using an alert container is one of the best.

An alert container is nothing more than a block to which other blocks can be inserted. And you can also set the block spacing y your background color.

A real luxury to be able to manipulate blocks, even being able to give personalized classes to the alert block so that all the blocks inside it receive CSS styles without having to give them one by one.

block demo alert:

This is a text block, within an alert block...

What is it cool?

Inclusion of alignment options

Apart from these three new blocks that we have introduced in mowomo so that you can better configure your posts in WordPress, we have worked on other things.

We have dedicated time, facing the new update of WordPress 5.2, to improve the performance and stability of the blocks.

This has helped us to see where we could improve them in functionality and, in the process, we invested time in making the blocks have support with alignment Gutenberg blocks.

This will help us to use, for example, the parallax block in full width. Or, also, the alert block in extended width.


Finally, I don't see a better way to do it than by telling you something. Something that, really, is very important for the free plugin development that we publish in the WordPress repository.

Tell us your needs. Seriously, those of you who use the blocks plugin, social media buttons or Google analytics code, tell us. The best way to improve these resources The way we set the community free is by listening to those who use them and live with them day by day.

You know, there is no better way to let the editor know that you liked their content than by leaving a comment with your opinion.

Without further ado, I say goodbye to you with a cordial greeting. Thanks for getting here. See you at the next entry.

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