mowomo events

Free Online Technological Event: mowomo camp #yomequedoencasa

Why an online and free event?

Since last March 14, the Government of Spain declared the alarm status due to the increase in cases of COVID-19 In our country. The main consequence of this situation is the social obligation to stay in our houses without leaving, except for essential cases such as buying food or medicine. Measure imposed to reduce the spread of those infected with this global pandemic. All official information on COVID-19 is collected by Ministry of Health and World Health Organization.

These circumstances have led drastic changes in the daily life of Spanish society at a personal, work, institutional level, in short, at all levels. Directly or indirectly, the situation is affecting all of us. Many people have been forced to telework from their own home, some of them were already experienced in this sense, but many others were not. The students they have class via Skype, Zoom or any other application. face-to-face events have been canceled or postponed to an unconfirmed date. Among many other events.

Starting from this framework, in mowomo We wanted to contribute our bit to the cause and, after several video call meetings with the team, we came to a conclusion: mowomo camp #yomequedoencasa.

What is mowomo camp #yomequedoencasa?

We liked the idea so much that in a few days we began to organize a Technological event 100% online, free and free offering during 40 DAYS training on different topics. The idea was to offer 30 talks and workshops on Electronic Commerce (ecommerce), Online Marketing, CMS (WordPress, Drupal, ..), web design, Web development, mobile apps, hosting, Linux, tools of FOSS and a very long etcetera.

The event started on Winners will be announced in March and ends the May 1th 2020 with the following schedule that you can also see in the SCHEDULE:


  • En morning schedule: Talks from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.; and workshops from 11:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m.
  • En afternoon schedule: Talks from 18:00 p.m. to 19:00 p.m.; and workshops from 18:00 p.m. to 20:00 p.m.

We will be alternating talk and workshop so that the schedules are not stepped on.


  • Round table-debate from 18:00 p.m. to 21:00 p.m. (uninterrupted) in charge of 6 speakers.

Still, our colleagues Pablo Marchante y Victor Saenz They did a live answering questions about the event: how the idea came up and how the event was going to unfold. mowomo camp #yomequedoencasa.

How can I collaborate in the event?

Mainly there are four options different to collaborate in this event, you can choose from one to all:

Sign up for free

If you sign up for free in the mowomo camp #yomequedoencasa you will get special sales by the sponsors of the event, the possibility of participating in Sorteos that are carried out during the 6 weeks, you will be able to find out before anyone else of all the news of the event. Plus the first 500 registered They have a special prize!

present paper

If you are a person who likes share knowledge and create synergies and collaborations with other people, you have to send your presentation proposal. There are two types of formats: talks 30 minutes or workshops of 90 minutes.

Some of the benefits to participate as a speaker in the mowomo camp #yomequedoencasa are:

  • You make your products and services personally known to potential new customers.
  • We will offer your professional services to all subscribers through the mailing list.
  • Tu professional profile of your company or personal brand will remain on the website of mowomo camp #yomequedoencasa.
  • Special participation in specific promotions for speakers.
  • Your talk or workshop will be published in our YouTube channel.
  • Everything that allows us help you back contributed to our project.

sponsor the event

This project is possible and free thanks to the sponsors contribution. We wanted to offer six level plans so that the contribution and benefits can be adapted to any company or individual:

  • Level of GOLD sponsorship
  • Level of SILVER Sponsorship
  • Level of BRONZE sponsorship
  • Level of STARTUP sponsorship
  • Level of COLLABORATOR Sponsorship
  • microsponsorship

In addition, with the contribution the company collaborates directly in the implementation of the open training service, a project that was born with the aim of offering professional, online and quality training, for the entire Spanish-speaking world.

Share the event

Another way of collaborate with us in this project, which helps us a lot to grow and evolve, is by sharing it. Whether in your social media, in you blog, podcast, channel of YouTube or telling your Friends, relatives or neighbors from the balconies. Any way is good for this free online training reach more people.

Let's learn new things in this quarantine!

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