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Telecommuting. Advantages, Disadvantages and Tips

Currently there is more talk about teleworking, work from home and continue to meet work goals. Here we are going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages who has telecommuting, and also, I'll give you five vital tips to make your work more effective. Go for it!

What is telework

El teleworking is a form of work that is performed in one location away from a central office or production facilities, separating the worker from personal contact with work colleagues who are in that office and as the new technology makes this separation possible by facilitating the communication.

International Labor Organization (ILO)

simply, the teleworking, or remote work, consists of the execution of tasks of a job position but in a place other than the office conventional. This type of work is done using ICT such as the desktop or laptop computer, the Internet (web browsing and email) and the mobile phone. And on other occasions, a digital camera or microphone is also required.

Not long ago, he teleworking was a dream for many, work from home or from wherever you want without worrying about having to go to the office, being able to travel while you work. But today, teleworking is a reality.

Advantages and disadvantages of teleworking
Real example of a teleworking area in a home

Little by little, many businessmen have been realizing that teleworking is a truly powerful option for improve productivity of its workers, as long as it is managed in the best way and following some guidelines. But also, for anyone who wants to start a digital business and offer their services as freelance or autonomous, teleworking is vital for save money in the rent of some offices and other expenses that this entails.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like everything in life, the teleworking It has its advantages and disadvantages for both the company and its workers. Let's see the most prominent:


  • Greater flexibility and mobility.
  • Greater access to training.
  • Less expenses such as electricity, water, office rent.
  • Possibility to work with talented professionals from all over the world.
  • Less absenteeism since each individual captures his own schedule.


  • Less contact with other people.
  • More personal electricity expenses if you work at home.
  • Greater ease for a worker or colleague to relax more than necessary.
  • If it is not managed well, there may be conflict with the other people who share a home.
  • Greater personal responsibility to avoid distractions and meet deadlines.

5 Tips you should follow in Teleworking

Tips for teleworking

The power of the cloud

Working in the cloud is one of the systems safer so as not to lose our files. Your documents no longer depend on the operation of your computer, what if it breaks down? See you later. But if you store them in the cloud, you will have access to them from any device with internet and from anywhere. In addition to being the best option for teamwork, any member of the team can access all these files online.

There are countless tools to work in the cloud:

set a schedule

Most jobs are governed by a workday that starts at one hour and ends at another and so on every day. In it teleworking This option can also be given, although each member of the team is in different places, they can all work the same hours a day.

work for hours does not always guarantee greater productivity, the worker knows that he must necessarily be at his job (even if it is his home, he will have to remain active and carrying out his work activities) during certain hours, he does not have to be motivated to improve his productivity.

Alternatively Work for goals, and I am going to focus here because the advantages are several for both the company and the workers. Working by objectives consists of each one of the team members establishing their own working hours, decide how many hours you want to work a day and whether you will do those hours continuously or spread out throughout the day. Workers must meet your work goals on set days and he manages his time to achieve it.

One of the advantages of working by objectives is the and motivation that offers. And this motivation increases if incentives are offered to everyone who completes their work before the time limit without lowering their quality level. In this way, it is achieved that each member of the team feels a important part because their work not only equals a profit for the company, it also collects personal rewards of a job well done.

Within teleworking by objectives we give you the following advice: set a schedule. It may sound contradictory, you can work at the time you want, but for this way of working to be effective it is very important to have personal responsibility and establish the work schedule that you are going to carry out. Either in the morning, in the afternoon, at night, 4 hours straight or 10 hours straight. Whatever you feel most comfortable with but marking a routine is a good option for differentiate your work hours with your leisure hours.

Establish your workplace

For working from home to be very effective, it is essential that you establish your workspace. It is not worth planting your laptop in the kitchen and that's it. You need to mark a space to carry out your work tasks comfortably.

It does not matter if your workplace is your room, a separate room that you use as an office or some corner of the house. The important thing is that this place meets certain characteristics:

  • It must be a quiet place. Try to be away from the noise that you may have in your house, such as the washing machine, the television or any other electrical appliance. You need to have as few distractions as possible for your work to be effective. If you live with more people, let them know that you are going to work and that you do not want to be disturbed.
  • with enough light. It is important that the place you choose to work has good light. The best thing is that it is natural light, but if you are not near a window or you work when there is no light, make sure that the artificial light you use is neither too strong nor too soft.
  • suitable temperature. Your workspace should be neither as hot as the Sahara desert nor as cold as the Himalayas. A medium temperature so you can better focus on your work.

do not stay at home

El telecommuting does not force you to stay at home all day. The fortune of this is that you can work from wherever you want, from a cafeteria or from the beach. The site doesn't matter as long as you have Internet. The only thing you have to do is meet the delivery deadlines, for the rest, you can work every day in a different place.

But our advice is that if you decide to work from home, when you're done Go to the street. Take a walk, meet your friends or visit your relatives. Since you don't make the way from your house to the office and back, it is essential to disconnect doing things you love.

You work when you feel highly productive

I have already commented that it is important to set working hours. But we can continue to enjoy the advantages of teleworking, such as the flexible schedule.

Imagine that you establish your work schedule from 8 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon because that is how you have organized yourself to meet the deadlines and because it is the one that best suits your lifestyle. But it turns out that you spend a bad night, you wake up very tired and with a bad body. If that day you continued with your scheduled working day, your productivity would be negatively affected and you would not fulfill your daily tasks. Solution? That day you rest a little more and instead of working in the morning, you work in the afternoon, or you don't work and the next day you work a little more.

You can play with your schedule however you want, you can work 8 hours a day but not in a row, spread out throughout the day. There are an infinite number of combinations, all valid as long as meet your delivery deadlines, obviously.

What do we do at mowomo?

En mowomo we make a rare mixture but it is very effective for us. In case you don't know, we have offices in Chiclana de la Frontera, known as the mowomo house. Normally, we go there in the morning, each one of us has our tables and the necessary tools to carry out our workday. We do it because we like to see each other's faces and because we feel very comfortable there, it doesn't look like an office, it's more like our second home.

mowomo house at the Contributor Day of the WordCamp Chiclana 2020
Photo during the Contributor Day of the WordCamp Chiclana 2020 that was held at the mowomo house

But sometimes, someone likes it better work from home or from a cafeteria, or instead of working in the morning, work in the afternoon. Or due to external factors, we cannot go to our office and we work from home. The important thing is always communication, we are constantly in contact and talk to the team to explain when we will be available. And above all the organization, organizing your daily tasks is vital to keep track of what you do and what you have left to do.

in mowomo we work for objectives. After meeting, we set some guidelines and some delivery dates, each team member is organized so that their part of the delivery is fulfilled. Whether working in the office, from home or from a coffee shop.

If you still have questions about teleworking to resolve, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you with whatever you need:

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