WordPress events

WordCamp Seville 2019: First WordCamp for Developers

The weekend of the 4, 5, and 6 October 2019 one of the most anticipated events by the wordpress community. A WordCamp that, without a doubt, has given a lot to talk about and has aroused various opinions. Today we will tell you how we live the team mowomo la WordCamp Seville 2019: First WordCamp for Developers. And don't miss our event video where we interview very interesting people.

Team photo by Carmelo Establier

From the beginning, this event entailed very curious: only for developers? made by developers? When they published the SCHEDULE, we could understand that the objective of this first niche WordCamp in Spain was to expand knowledge about bar code (PHP, CSS, JavaScipt…). We would not find workshops on web design or marketing, there we could already see that it would be a different wordcamp (plus Mario Kart competitions on a big screen).

La WordCamp Seville 2019 it consisted of 9 workshops, 9 talks, a critical zone, a round table and, of course, the Community Day (Contributor Day).

Friday October 4

In the afternoon, the Friday October 4, In the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering (ETS II) located on the Reina Mercedes Campus of the University of Seville, the beginning of the WordCamp Seville 2019.

From 15:30 p.m. to 16:30 p.m., the accreditations, coffees to start with strength and we move on to the presentation of this new WordCamp. Thanks to the accreditation, in addition to taking the photo, name and Twitter profile, you could know if the person in front of you was from Team Gutenberg or of team Editor Classic. Rivalry? I think it's interesting that there are different opinions to learn new things. I think it was a way to break the ice when making networking.

Steve Henty Workshop on "Automated Browser Testing for WordPress"

We were ready to start learning. The 9 workshops were divided into three classrooms, in which you could choose workshops beginner, intermediate or advanced level, consisted of:

Until 20:00 p.m. we were able to collect many notes on everything we learned that day, in addition to having very interesting conversations. How necessary is networking!

Saturday October 5

El Saturday October 5 We moved to a very special location: we moved to the Global Omnium Auditorium inside of the Seville Aquarium. Between fish, we were able to enjoy, in a single track, of all the talks, so as not to miss any and learn as much as possible. The level of the talks was good and they were interesting for anyone who is starting in the programming world or for he wanted to expand his knowledge.

Talk by José Conti on “Become a Woo 3rd Party Developer and sell on WooCommerce.com”

Although we arrived a bit late due to the traffic from Montequinto (where we stayed over the weekend) to the venue, they told us that the presentation was amazing. Good thing we got to see that one large water window at the end of the day, with the round table. Speechless…

The day was divided into 9 talks, a critical area and a round table. Before lunch, the following talks took place:

When the moment arrived, as if we had rehearsed it, all attendees, volunteers, organizers and sponsors we pose before the fastest photographer in the world. A seen and not seen. As if we didn't all know that afterwards it was time to eat 😉

Make of the WordCamp Sevilla 2019 team photo

After a good break for lunch, networking and… Mario Kart competitions? Yes, yes, and on a big screen. Thus, strength is recovered to continue at the top with:

Round table of WordCamp Seville 2019 at Global Omnium Auditorium (Aquarium of Seville)

Saturday ended with an amazing after party, where some continued to network and others decided they had done enough for the day.

Sunday October 6

As is tradition, the Sunday October 6, it was Community Day, or Contributor Day.

La wordpress community is one of the most open free software communities, tens of thousands of volunteers they spend their time managing each and every aspect of WordPress. Being such a large community, it is necessary to carry out good coordination. Therefore, it is divided by teams, regions and countries.

In the Contributor Day of a WordCamp, attendees meet in different Work tables to learn how to collaborate on WordPress. In the WordCamp Seville 2019 It happened in an incredible place for coworking: Magma. No, there were not only work tables for developers, there were all kinds so that each one could contribute what you want.

For all opinions, the WordCamp Seville 2019 it has been different. Is it necessary to make a specific WordCamp for a single sector? Will there be more WordCamps of this type? Is it used more or less than a more general WordCamp? The debate continues in the wordpress community, always with respect, any opinion is valid to improve day by day.

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