WordPress events

WordCamp Sevilla 2018: Changes are coming, Gutenberg arrives

The WordCamp Sevilla 2018 was a very interesting event, since I believe that the basis of this type of event is learning and sharing and, for the first time, I could do both at the same time.

Presentations in general

It is wrong to start in this way, but unfortunately I was not able to attend all the presentations, but I know that in a few days I will be able to enjoy them calmly from WordPress.tv

Regarding the ones I attended, they were really enriching, such as the branding talk at Raffaella Isidori, Which has been the first live chat I saw in English. It was very enjoyable and I left a clear message to us: Currently we are "a product", and therefore we have to learn to sell ourselves to the world.

Another one that I particularly liked was Miguel Diaz, where he told us about support with practical examples. This presentation fascinated me, I saw what situations a professional has to face in providing support with real examples and I learned where was that little line that separated the support from the work of, say, a developer.

Finally, a presentation that surprised me a lot was that of Mauricio Gelves, where I learned in a basic way how to structure the PHP code when working with WordPress. I did not have much idea about it, since I am Frontend, but thanks to this presentation I have learned not to mess up the code too much for Paco, Mercedes or Víctor.

Gutenberg and the WordCamp Seville 2018

If we are aware of what is happening in the community, we will surely be clear that Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor, is coming, but it was not until then that I realized it.

“It will come, and when it does, I deactivate it”

This was a thought I had until recently. Gutenberg didn't like it: he was going to break our clients' pages (or allow them to break them 😛) and it wasn't really a necessary improvement either. So why does it exist?

In his presentation, Jose Angel Vidania He explained to us (in just 20 minutes) most of its novelties, what possibilities this editor gave us and conveyed a very important message: It comes to stay and also, it will do so in just over a month.

I think that thanks to this presentation I began to grow fond of this new editor: I want to learn more from him, create themes to get the best out of him and enjoy the change, not suffer it.

Eat Gutenberg, don't let him eat you

A few hours later he came into play Fernando Bridge, with his presentation «Adapt your theme to Gutenberg». How convenient, and just what I needed.

There he explained several ways to deal with this change, from the least recommended option (disable it, hehe) to being able to adapt Gutenberg to us and not that we have to adapt to it.

Honestly, I left these two talks wanting to do, learn, and be able to offer our clients the best solution to this change.

And you, did you attend WordCamp Sevilla 2018? What do you think about it? For me it was an event that marked a before and after.

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