WordPress events

WordCamp Seville 2018, a WordCamp among friends

mowomo at the WordCamp Sevilla 2018 WordPress event

In these lines I am going to tell my experience in the WordCamp Sevilla 2018 and I am going to do a retrospective and tell why the WordCamp in Seville is a WordCamp among friends.


Back in 2011, the WordCamp Seville was held, I think it was its first edition, if I remember correctly in October (a very successful month, by the way), and that event was the first contact I had with or rather, that we had Roberto and I with the WordPress community from Spain. Since that event, we have always gone to those WordCamps that we could, but it was Seville in 2011 where the WordPress community bug bit us.

A year later in 2012, at that same event where we took the alternative (since we are talking about Seville, what better than a bullfighting term) and we applied to be speakers and we gave two talks, I say we gave because although I was the official speaker, Roberto He got on with me, halfway through the presentation.

WordCamp Seville 2018

In this 2018 edition we have returned to Seville as speakers and to share our experience creating local WordPress communities, and I say this in the plural since we have been lucky enough to start two of them, the Marbella WordPress community and the Chiclana community.

As soon as the video of our presentation is available, I will link it here.

Like almost all WordCamps, although for the general public it starts on Saturday, for those of us who have been lucky enough to be chosen as speakers, it starts on Friday with the Dinner for organizers, volunteers, sponsors and speakers.

Dinner was not what I expected, at least for me, I am a vegetarian and some restaurants have few alternatives, or very bad ones or none at all. The organization made a great effort that I am very grateful for being invited and I know that because of my choice to be a vegetarian, I have limitations, so it is what it is and I have to accept it.

The big day arrived, Saturday morning, we picked up the accreditation and the shirt and started the day. Rafa Poveda explained to us how the day was going to go and what awaited us at the end of the day and the next day.

There would be two rooms for presentations, one in the assembly room called the Blogger room and another in the library of the school that hosts the WordCamp Sevilla 2018 called the Developer room.

I am not going to make an assessment of the presentations, my colleagues will possibly do that, I am going to tell what I liked the most about this WordCamp and what I liked the least.

The first and most positive thing that I value is the meeting with people whom I appreciate very much, the second is how much fun I had at WordCamp and the third is the number of people I met, and that I will surely see again in the near future. WordCamps.

What I liked least about this WordCamp was the date of the celebration, the words Seville+July don't get along very well and it was extremely hot, outside, on the street, which was very cool during the event. I understand that they had to adapt to the dates they had available.

The second presentation was very special, since my eldest son was making his debut as a speaker Paul Miralles and it was a pride. She did great despite the nerves of being the first time. She explained to us theThings you have to do after installing your WordPress»

And in the other room, at the same time the classmates mowomo Victor saenz y Paco Marchante gave a talk about mobile APPs with WordPress «Full throttle APP: WordPress is not just for the web«. As it was at the same time as Pablo's, I couldn't attend, but I know that it was also a great success.

Sunday, as is traditional, was a community day, with the different tables where you can learn a lot about how to contribute to the community.


The presence of Carla Sainz was present throughout the event.
Carla needs our help and that is why I encourage you to contribute to the website created for donations.
From 1 euro, you can make the donation you want.



I said it during the presentation and I say it now, there are very few women speakers in the WordCamps and of course, it is not because of the organization, there are very few who send their request for a presentation.

It takes a lot of nerves, but it's worth it.

Girls, I encourage you to apply for the next WordCamp because women have a lot to say and tell the public at events like this.

WordCamp Grenada

The companions of the WordCamp Grenada They were very present during the event

One detail that I loved was that they opened ticket sales right at the closing of the WordCamp Seville event.

See you in November in Graná!


Give thanks to Fernando Bridge because, with the "mania" that he had for the new WordPress editor that arrives in August, the happy "Gutenberg", made me see, that perhaps it will play in favor of us, the developers and that this new feature that WordPress will bring from from version 5, it can be cleaned, limited and modified at will. It really put me at ease. Thanks Ferdinand 😉

Below I leave the SlideShare of his presentation.

I cannot forget to thank the volunteers who did a splendid job and the organization that went out of its way to make us all very comfortable.

In summary, the best were the people and the worst "caló". But I will return to the following editions, even if they call it in August "to fry."

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