WordPress events

WordCamp Irun 2018

This weekend, the entire mowomo team (Víctor, Paco, Pablo, Roberto and I) attended the WordCamp Irun.

As is always said, a WordCamp is not over until you write about it.

This WordCamp is especially dear to us and since they decided on the date for the celebration, we had to attend, yes or yes.

Roberto and I applied to give a presentation and we were lucky to be chosen as speakers. We present a presentation on entrepreneurship, which is what we love to talk about and as always when we attend a WordCamp made with love, we learned a lot.

One of the organizers is Pablo Moratinos. We met Pablo personally when he collaborated as an organizer in the WordCamp Chiclana. He gave us his excellent work throughout the Chiclana WordCamp and above all he gave us a lot of love. He is part of our family forever, he is a person who is loved.

Something that I love about this type of meeting is that you meet extraordinary people and you also put faces to those people you meet through social networks or, as they say, “we devirtualize ourselves”.

We met many acquaintances and especially good friends. Some absent, whom we miss very much.

Friday day 1 – Speakers dinner

Around 9 at night, Roberto and I went to the traditional speakers dinner.

The road to the dinner place seemed beautiful to us, surrounded by forest. We arrived at a cider house, with a lot of history, where we shared a typical local dinner with colleagues, accompanied by artisan cider that we ourselves served from the barrels (what is known as txotx).

There was a T-bone steak as the star dish for carnivores 🙂 but I am a vegetarian, the organization took care to offer a delicious vegetarian menu.

Thanks for the gesture!

Saturday day 2 – The day of the presentations

And finally, the WordCamp Irun 2018 began.

It was held at the facilities of the Mondragón University, on the Bidasoa Campus, Palmera Montero building https://goo.gl/maps/ASRQN7sk6nK2

It began with the presentation and traditional welcome to the attendees and the presentations began.

The choice of presentation was difficult since there were three tracks and each one with a very interesting theme. I'm going to comment only on the ones I attended, since I would have loved to attend all of them, but you always have to leave something to watch later on WordPress.tv.

I stayed in Fernando Tellado's helpwp and his presentation Are you Wix or WordPress

The following, I approached the presentation of Monty who told us about his experience with AMP, with some tricks and recommendations. Amp for WordPress : Myths and Legend

And it was time for coffee, networking, chats, croissants and delicious biscuits.

After coffee I went to the presentation of Javier Casares where he showed us how he uses WP-CLI.

WP-CLI to do weekly maintenance of your site

The next one was Roberto and me, nerves aside, everything went very well, delighted to talk about what we like, entrepreneurship, and the response of people, asking questions and taking an interest in our work system as well as the Bonuses that we gave away that they were very well received.

Adventures and misadventures of two digital entrepreneurs or how to live on WordPress

In this blog article Roberto summarizes the talk

When we finished, it was the turn of Mauricio GelvesCharming and with a great sense of humor, he taught us the BEM system that he himself baptized as «Pretty, Elegant and Cool».

Master the CSS of your website with the BEM technique (beautiful, elegant and cool)

Before lunch, a photo of all the attendees, forming the well-known "W" of the WordPress logo, it's really cool, right?

And everyone to eat.

The food was based on pintxos and something that I have to thank the organization for is the vegan food that the organization made available to those of us who are vegan or vegetarian. In some WordCamps they limit themselves to giving us a salad, but this time it was very elaborate and very good.

More networking and small talk over lunch and coffee.

And the afternoon session arrived and we enjoyed the magic of copywriting de Noelia Jimenez, who gave us some advice on how to make clients fall in love with writing.

The magic of copywriting: how to write texts that excite and convert (web, blog and email)

And of course we enjoyed the great Ana Surgeon and his advice on fonts and which one is best for the web. I loved it 🙂

Roboto, Comic Sans, Helvetica? Is it really important to choose the font for my website?

Cafelito and networking, photos and more photos with friends

And the next one that I did not want to miss was the one of tomas sierra and its hauntingCan you seriously hack my WordPress with… Google!?  and he showed us how some pages allow all their information, database, etc. to be indexed. on Google and they put it on a platter for the bad guys.

And the controversial paper by Jose Angel Vidania y the future of WordPress with Gutenberg.

Gutenberg, the future of WordPress

And we end the day with the usual farewell to the organizer and the great team of volunteers.

 Then the Afterparty in a traditional gastronomic society.

Sunday 3 – Contributor Day – WordCamp Irún

Sunday is traditionally celebrated as community day, where contributions are made at various tables in which it is explained how we can contribute our bit to improve WordPress, both in translations and by uploading videos on WordPress.tv, in support forums in the community etc

I was at the support table where we were able to answer some open threads in the WordPress support forums, forums maintained by volunteers from the WordPress Community of Spain.

I leave you a video of Monty where you can see the different tables working.

The photos of the I WordCamp Irún on Flickr

The end of WordCamp Irún has arrived, kisses and goodbyes until next time WordCamp, which will be the one in Seville

Mowomo team with very good friends
The mowomo team with some very good friends

I want to congratulate and congratulate all the organizers and volunteers because you have managed to carry out a great WordCamp, where we have felt at home and where care has been taken that everyone enjoyed the event to the fullest. With honors.

The presentations and everything else has been great, but what I take with me to Chiclana is everything is the love with which this WordCamp has been made and the affection with which they have treated us.

If they repeat WordCamp next year, we'll be there.

See you soon!

Thank you!

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