mowomo podcast

Welcome to the first mowomo Podcast

A new challenge for the mowomo team, we are launching a Podcast!

What is the difference between category and tag?

In this episode we tell, from our point of view, the difference between these two key concepts when writing an entry in WordPress.

We clarify, from the outset, that we are not SEO and therefore our explanation is based on years of experience working for and for WordPress.


At a technical level, a category is a type of hierarchical taxonomy to order the content of the entries.

At the user level, the category is the main subject of your post, and in our opinion, there can only be one per post.

We compare the category as a library, a book can only go on one shelf, you can't tear it in half and put them on two shelves.

Another example, in a newspaper or magazines, the categories would be the sections.


At a technical level, a tag is a type of NON-hierarchical taxonomy

At the user level to organize the entries, thinking about the user who is going to read the entry. A series of "key" words that are used in the content.

We talk about the descriptions of categories and tags, whether or not these contents should be indexed or not, and duplicate contents.

Do not miss it …

See you in the next mowomo podcast.

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