WordPress beginners

Plugins in WordPress. User manual for novices.

I am starting in the world of WordPress and of course at the beginning, as with everything new in this life, I am in a sea of ​​doubts. when i started in the world of WordPress plugins I realized that they do install and such, but everything is very easy, too easy. So I set out to understand what's going on, where I'm installing and downloading the plugin, how the things I do affect web performance, and even what files are being touched.

I have to admit that since I was little I have been one to disassemble my toys to see how they worked, so I am curious by nature and I am one of those who need to understand things. Next, Let's unravel the power that lies in plugins.

Official WordPress plugin repository

What is a plugin?

Let's go in parts, first we are going to understand what we are putting on our website.

Plugins are software that add functionality to our website. From plugins that reinforce security (iThemes, Sucuri or Wordfence), create a contact form (Contact form 7), design an online store (WooCommerce) or whatever you want, the sky is the limit as far as WordPress plugins are concerned. refers.

How are plugins installed in WordPress?

There are billions of tutorials on this topic on the internet from people much more experienced and with better written expression than me, but here we go.

Being in our administration panel of our site, in the left panel, we click on the plug that says "Plugins" and then "Add new".

At that time we will see the endless list of plugins that exist for WordPress. I recommend that you use the search engine so magnificent that it has, unless you have a lot of time on you. Everyone has their hobbies.


When you have the plugin you want to install located, then we click on the install button and wait. After to activate.

And it would be

Where are my plugins?

Of course, I install it, activate it and everything you want, but I don't know if it's on my server, in my database or at NASA. We have to take into account that when we click on the install button, It is downloaded to the server where we have all the other files that make up our website. To be exact all plugins are downloaded in a path something like this: ./wp-content/plugins/»Plugin name». Inside each folder are all the files of its corresponding plugin.

What we are always altering is our host or server, whatever you like to call it.

How many WordPress plugins can I install before it all blows up?

The theory says that the more plugins access the wp_include file, the more resource load the web has.

Now in Christian. The little file that I'm telling you says what has to be started and when. It's like a priority file. Imagines all plugins what do you have installed They are loaded just at the moment the web is loaded, because the problems will begin. It doesn't explode like a Michael Bay movie, it will go very slow or won't load. And that's when users leave the web.

So it is important to know when each of the plugins that we have installed are loaded.

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