WordPress Plugins

How to Add Disqus Comments in WordPress

How to Add Disqus Comments in WordPress

One of the most important things in a blog are the comments: They help us to create community and be able to communicate with our readers. For this reason, being able to comment is essential, and that is where the Disqus comments in WordPress.

What is Disquis?

Disqus is a platform where you can manage the comments of your sites. In this way, you can manage these comments directly from your page, without having to enter the administrator of each of the sites where you have Disqus enabled.

Why use Disqus?

In addition to the ease for the website administrator, you also make life easier for your users: They can also manage their comments from Disqus, and even have a feed of the sites they have commented on. Also, if you connect with Twitter, Facebook or another social network, registering to comment is a matter of seconds.

Another of the benefits of using Disqus on your website is that of avoid spam, since having to be registered to comment serves as the first filter for those unwanted comments.

Will the comments really be on my website?

The answer is yes. Disqus comes with a synchronization option so that the comments created in Disqus are synchronized with those of WordPress. Thus, if Disqus disappeared your comments would not disappear.

In addition, the latter allows you to export the comments and take them wherever you want, so we don't have to worry about that effect lock in that can throw us back on several occasions.

How do I add Disqus comments in WordPress?

To do this, it is as simple as installing the Disqus official plugin and follow the steps.

By installing it, you a new section will appear in the administration bar called Disqus. If you click on it you will go directly to the Installation section, which will ask you if you have an account, if you have created the site in Disqus... and if not, it will give you step-by-step instructions on how to do it.

Configuring Disqus Comments

Once you have created your account and your site in Disqus, you will only have to connect it to your website, which is as simple as pasting the code that Disqus will provide you (usually it is the name of the site that you have created on the platform).

And that would be all! Do you plan to use Disqus on your website? Are you already using it? Tell us about your experience!

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