WordPress Themes

Free themes for WordPress – Points to keep in mind.

When we started our web project we focused on making everything look great and have an incredible design. This is why it is so important to choose a good theme. Most of the time we only look at it being pretty and having a similar structure to what we have in mind. But unfortunately this is not enough, you have to look a little further and validate that the theme meets a series of requirements.

  • The html tagging hierarchy must be correct. (H1 – H2…among others)
  • Be light, and load relatively fast.
  • That does not include CPT (Custom Post Type), or exclusive features of the theme, such as a portfolio or a catalog.
  • Etc etc…..

And we could be saying requirements until tomorrow, for that very reason, I am going to save you a few hours of intensive search, recommending you free themes for WordPress that meet most of these points and are in the WordPress.org repository.

Free themes for WordPress

Free Theme for WooCommerce – Storefront

Storefront is a theme for virtual stores that brings exactly what you need to start an e-commerce.

La theme setup is quite simple, pretty much all the options are in the WordPress customizer. As for the design, it may not be crazy, but it has a structure that works and is great for virtual stores.

The good thing about Storefront is that it is very scalable and if you need more specific things you can develop a child theme from it. Speaking from my own experience, it is one of the best alternatives if you cannot develop a complete theme for your e-commerce.

Free Blog Themes – Lovecraft & Twenty Seventeen


Obviously a theme with this name cannot be bad. Lovecraft is a theme designed for a blog, where simplicity predominates, thus highlighting the content of the entries. It has two page templates for your entries, one with a sidebar and another "full width" or full width. 

I personally like it because it is a pretty light topic, for the things it brings and its only version is free, so you won't have three million banners in the WordPress administrator telling you to go to the PRO version

Twenty Seventeen

A WordPress classic are the themes developed by the community itself and that you can find in the repository under the authorship of WordPress.org. You will also find the last 3 in your default WordPress installation.

The way of naming them is quite curious since they are the year of release, except for the first two, classic and default.

I love these themes as they are a perfect option when you don't want to mess around with complex themes and settings. They are made to enter with your editor user and write.

It is true that they have certain aspects in which they can fall short, but for this exact reason I like them even more, since they are great themes to venture into. make your first child theme. If you have never dared to develop one, here are two articles by my colleague Mercedes that will be great for you Child themes or child themes in WordPress.

Looking at these 3 themes we can understand what are the key points that a good theme for WordPress should have. That the theme is limited to the aesthetic part of the web and that it does not include options for a thousand different types of websites is very important. The one that covers a lot is not too tight and this can be seen clearly in the multi(dis)purpose themes that try to make templates for many types of websites but end up being slow and with an incredible amount of things that you will never use.


The Best WordPress Themes Are Unipurpose, which are limited to doing what you need, if you are looking for a theme for your hairdresser, look for WordPress hairdresser themes, if you are looking for your cousin the fruit bowl, well, you know. So now you know with the number of themes that there are in the official repository, surely you can find one that fits your needs and is specially designed and programmed for something similar to what you need. 

If you need something specific or you simply cannot find a theme that suits your needs, you can see the services we offer at mowomo studio


or contact us through ask for a quote

A greeting and see you next week 😀

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