WordPress Plugins

BackWPup vs. UpdraftPlus

This entry is going to be a battle of the titans of the backup; BackWPup vs. UpdraftPlus. We will see its pros and cons, when it is more convenient to use one and when another and, of course, lots of backups.

And now, let the fight begin...


This Plugin Developed by Inside GmbH, it was the first of the two that I tried and was blown away. Was very easy to create backups, choosing exactly what you wanted to copy. In addition, he could carry out different tasks, for example, copying the database one day and the content another. With the possibility of being programmed or to do it at the moment.

It also allows you to choose Where are the backups made? in Dropbox, folder on the mail server...

backWPup job destinations

Although of course, all that glitters is not gold and I soon found myself with certain "inconveniences". It is true that It is a free version and it satisfies the need to have backups perfectly.

But, I found two cons. The first, if you do not understand the WordPress folder system well you don't know what you are copying or stop copying, and that is serious.

wordpress folders

and the second is that cannot restore copy from the plugin. What does this mean? Basically you have to download the backup from where you have it and then restore it manually. If you have enough knowledge it is trivial, the only impediment will be the speed of your internet.


And this Plugin It came as a perfect solution for my problems. Apart from all the virtues that BackWPup has, all, has the option to restore the copy from the plugin and is much more explanatory.


The simple detail of putting icons on the backup destinations helps make everything more visual. Even when you choose the folders to copy small texts and from a much more visual way, makes this plugin a great option.


And especially, the magical blue button, which allows you to restore the backup you want without having to do anything more than press the button and wait. It solves many problems and is as fast as it is effective.

restore button in updraftplus BackWPup vs UpdraftPlus

And the winner between BackWPup vs UpdraftPlus is…

Well, I think the fight has not been very close. BackWPup serves to rest easy and know that there are backup copies of your site and, if you have knowledge, it is a great plugin. Of course, UpdraftPlus is all about convenience. For tastes the colors, but my recommendation is UpdraftPlus.

And remember, so that you don't have any scares in your online store during the Christmas campaign, leave the maintenance to professionals, do not play the money of your WooCommerce. Let's have the party in peace!

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