
7 Tips to choose ONLINE COURSES and NOT waste money

Today there are thousands of online courses available everything you can imagine: knitting, photography, makeup, web design, drawing, cooking, English, SEO, typing... Also from multitude of platforms different. But how do I choose a good online course? Why choose one and not another? Today I'm going to give you 7 tips for choosing online courses and not wasting money.

Stay home, we are in quarantine

Due to the situation that we are currently experiencing in almost the entire world, we are obliged to stay in our houses, except for specific and totally necessary occasions. Most people have been forced to modify their daily lives to adapt to a quarantine status by COVID-19.

By spending so much time at home, we have had to look for alternatives to keep us distracted. Many have become pastry apprentices. We can see how since the beginning of the quarantine, the Google search for yeast It has had incredible growth. Bread, cupcakes, sponge cake, cookies... Anything goes!

Google Yeast Search Trend During COVID-19 Quarantine
Data collected from the search for «yeast» on Google Trends

Another very recurring way to keep us busy during quarantine is the online training. "Now that I have time..." is a phrase widely used these weeks to start or continue something that was pending and has been postponed due to lack of time.

Training online during the quarantine is a great idea to take advantage of the time and finish digitize your work, project or personal brand, to empower your professional profile and thus improve your skills, to learn new things and also to get a job adapted to the situation in which we are living, in addition to being we keep distracted and focused on what we are doing.

We can check in the same way as the Google search for online courses has increased since the date the state of alarm began. Many platforms and companies They have been fast and suddenly we have found online courses everywhere and of all kinds, from all sectors you can imagine, to cover this high demand.

Trend in Google search for online courses during the COVID-19 quarantine
Data collected from the search for «online courses» on Google Trends

How to choose a GOOD ONLINE COURSE and NOT waste money?

Perhaps it is a question that you have asked yourself these days. Ok, I want to take advantage of the time and I'm going to train from home but which course is better?

We are going to see some concepts that must be taken into account to choose really interesting online courses among so many offers


The first thing you have to do is a self-reflection of your needs and priorities. Not only about the subject you want to learn, but the characteristics that an online course must have so that it suits you. Are you interested in a more theoretical or more practical course? In what area do you want to specialize? Do you need to maintain direct contact with the teacher or do you prefer to train at your own pace?

Before you start looking for an online course on the subject you want, you need to be clear about this questions to find exactly what you need.

Updated content

Currently, the concepts and tools of any subject evolve day by day, they are updated to adapt to new changes and new needs. Therefore, it is very important that you review before starting any course that the content it offers is not outdated or use tools that have been superseded by newer ones.


In general, the availability that we have today is much higher than normal. But it is important to ask yourself: How much time will I dedicate to my online course? at morning or evening?

It is always very interesting to acquire an online course no end date so you can do it at your own pace and without rushing. Dedicate the time you choose and at the time you need.

Professionals who teach the subjects

It is extremely important that the teacher or teachers that you are going to have in the course are professionals in that sector. He thinks that anyone can be informed and documented on the subject but the true professionals will be the only ones who can solve all the doubts you may have on the matter.

Choose an online course in which you can see the teacher profile so you can talk to him and you can clarify these issues.

Communication with the teacher

So much so that you can contact the teacher before starting as during the online course. Check that they give you the necessary communication facilities so that you can be in constant contact with the teacher to be able to ask any questions you have about the subject or about a specific class.

Adapted to any device

Being at home all day, the usual thing is that you follow the classes of your online course through your computer. But maybe one day you feel like using your tablet or your mobile phone. Well, it is important to check before buying, that the course adapts perfectly to any device.

Additional services or resources

Additional services or resources will always provide higher value to the online course. That they not only include each and every one of the classes with the same format and same mechanics.

Masterclass, downloadable in PDF, exclusive direct… There are many ways to complete an online course so that you can acquire all the knowledge in a practical, simple and accessible way.

Professionals talk about online training

To finish, I encourage you to pay attention to this round table that we have organized for the mowomo camp #yomequedoencasa. As every Friday during the event, we organize a round table of different topics with five professionals, and with our colleague Víctor Sáenz as moderator.

This time, it is the fourth round table of the event and talk about the new challenges of online training. don't miss it because we will solve many doubts on current online training by the hand of great professionals in the sector.

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