Digital marketing

5 Essential Digital Marketing Strategies

In this article, I introduce you 5 essential digital marketing strategies. They may not be the best or the most used, but they do They are the most necessary in any digital marketing department today, from my point of view. So, you will not find in this post a thousand tricks for keywords, automation or influencers.


Content marketing strategy.

This digital marketing strategy may be the best known and used of the 5 that I am going to mention in this post. It was impossible for me to put it aside, not only because of the benefits it brings to a company or brand, but also because of the diversity of use it has or the different approaches that can be given to it.

This strategy is usually related to the content that is created for a blog or a website, but it goes much further than that. The content is generated even when we communicate with another person, you just have to know how to take advantage of it to get the most out of it.

It is about reaching the consumer of our company with content that is interesting to them, so that they can learn something new or discover something that is useful to them. The goal is for the user to identify with the brand they consume and feel part of it.

For content marketing, most professionals care about including keywords (keywords) in the content, to position it and attract traffic to the web. That's fine, I'm not going to question it, but once the user has reached that content, it should be useful and interestingOtherwise, the famous keywords will have been of little use.

Video marketing strategy.

If a booming strategy, currently, is the video marketing. Whether they are videos on the famous YouTube platform or on Social Networks, such as Instagram or Twitter.


There are countless themes, of minimal duration or endless, but there they are. It can be considered a branch of content strategy, because in the end, the videos seek to convey a message to the users, only in a way more direct and close.

With videos it is easier to reach the user and communicate what we want them to know. For this reason, it has gained great importance in recent years, enough to lead to a own strategy.

Gamification strategy.

Many times we have heard that children learn best by playing. Well, this strategy is that, but for adults.

I think you can understand it better with Some examples:

  • A brand releases an APP and it is not to sell or answer questions. It's just a game you can download and play with it. Example: Getting to collect 100 cookies of X brand to go to the next level, as a distraction or to win prizes/discounts.
  • You find stickers of a brand pasted all over the city. These stickers have a unit’s QR code, you scan it with your mobile and you will have access to a promotion, a game, a scratch card, etc. The more stickers you scan, the more prizes.
  • A well-known brand organizes a circuit in which anyone who wants to can participateYou just have to sign up and feel like having fun. It can be a sports circuit, a cultural test... it doesn't matter, because there is a guaranteed gift.

How you can see, the brand approaches the user with games that help you learn something new or have fun. Furthermore, that mark is already in your mind, just as the multiplication tables remained in the mind of the child who played with them.

It is not about increasing sales, the goal of brands with This strategy is to be in the minds of your consumers and generate "engagement", or what is the same, that the client "takes affection to the brand".

audio marketing strategy

The audio marketing strategy is the least exploited of all the ones I mention in this post. However, little by little is being integrated into the digital marketing strategy and it has more and more followers.

has the advantage of reach the user directly, close and fast like videos, but with the added bonus of not having to view anything. You don't need to stop to listen to it, you can walk, play sports, or work while you put on your headphones and listen to an audio of the song that you like the most.


The podcast They are not only useful for listening to experts talk about a specific topic, they are very useful for solving user doubts, commenting on practical cases from different fields, conducting interviews, etc. If you know how to take advantage It can be a great instrument for measuring customer satisfaction.

Engagement marketing strategy.

De The 5 essential digital marketing strategies, this is, for me, the irreplaceable. It could encompass all of the above, since its ultimate goal is Get customers to engage with the brand in question.

If users participate in the brands they consume, they will feel part of it, they will improve their experience and the brand will be able to collect very useful data for your sales strategy.

In the end, this participation is carried out through the information that is shared, the interactions that the client has with the brand, the mentions made of it, etc. Come on, the relationship you have with the brand through Social Networks, videos, content...

And so far the ones that are, in my opinion, the 5 essential digital marketing strategies.

With the exception of the content marketing strategy, they are not the ones that usually stand out the most, but without them the user experience would be disastrous and today's brands would not have to sell much then.

I hope you found the post interesting and if you want to know more about digital marketing, do not hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter.

Until next time!

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